Audrey Faust Founder of Faust Coaching

She Grows Rich


"She Grows Rich" details simple, achievable, step-by-step strategies to financial prosperity, creating confidence and empowerment around your personal finances.

  • Women in the United States could not have a credit card in their own name until 1974.
  • Women in the United States could not obtain a business loan without a male co-signer until 1988.

Whatever is holding you back from creating money, wealth, and prosperity, this book will help you overcome it. Whether it's mindset, knowledge, or fear, this book shows you a clear path in a very simple way to start building your wealth and create financial independence for yourself and future generations. When we become financially empowered, it creates a ripple effect.

"She Grows Rich" will show you how to overcome any mindset blocks and provide a step-by-step plan to start investing.

It's time for women to become financial powerhouses, build financial independence, and show future generations how it's done. Stand on your own financially and become a role model for financial empowerment.


The Empowered CEO


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